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onComponentChanged(BaseComponent, ConnStatus) - Method in interface com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Manager.SDKManagerCallback
Called back when the state of the component connection has changed
ONE_CLICK_CHARGING - com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Manager.ServiceCode
One-click charging.
ONE_CLICK_CHARGING_ENFORCEDLY - com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Manager.ServiceCode
One-click charging enforcedly.
ONE_CLICK_CHARGING_STOP - com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Manager.ServiceCode
One-click charging stop.
ONE_CLICK_FLIGHT_PREPARATION - com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Manager.ServiceCode
One-click flight preparation.
ONE_CLICK_FLIGHT_PREPARATION_STOP - com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Manager.ServiceCode
One-click flight preparation stop.
OneClickCharging() - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.ControlCenter.ControlCenter
One-click charging.
OneClickChargingEnforcedly() - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.ControlCenter.ControlCenter
One-click charging enforcedly.
OneClickChargingStop() - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.ControlCenter.ControlCenter
Stop one-click charging.
OneClickFlightPreparation() - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.ControlCenter.ControlCenter
One-click flight preparation.
OneClickFlightPreparationStop() - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.ControlCenter.ControlCenter
Stop one-click flight preparation.
OneClickReturnToHome() - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.RemoteControl.RemoteControl
One-click return to home.
OneClickTakeoff() - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.RemoteControl.RemoteControl
One-click Takeoff.
onGetConfig(ServiceResult, ConfigParameter, int) - Method in interface com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.ControlCenter.ControlCenterStateCallback
Called back when receiving feedback on a configuration parameter access request
onGetConfigReply(ServiceResult, ConfigParameter, int) - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.ControlCenter.ControlCenter
Called back when receiving feedback on a configuration parameter access request
onGetConfigVersionInfo(int, int) - Method in interface com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.ControlCenter.ControlCenterStateCallback
Called back when receiving feedback on a configuration parameter version information access request
onGetConfigVersionInfoReply(int, int) - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.ControlCenter.ControlCenter
Called back when receiving feedback on a configuration parameter version information access request
onOperateReply(ServiceCode, ServiceResult) - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.AirConditioner.AirConditioner
Called back when feedback is received from the service
onOperateReply(ServiceCode, ServiceResult) - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.Canopy.Canopy
Called back when feedback is received from the service
onOperateReply(ServiceCode, ServiceResult) - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.Charger.Charger
Called back when feedback is received from the service
onOperateReply(ServiceCode, ServiceResult) - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.ControlCenter.ControlCenter
Called back when feedback is received from the service
onOperateReply(ServiceCode, ServiceResult) - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.EdgeComputing.EdgeComputing
Called back when feedback is received from the service
onOperateReply(ServiceCode, ServiceResult) - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.PositionBar.PositionBar
Called back when feedback is received from the service
onOperateReply(ServiceCode, ServiceResult) - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.RemoteControl.RemoteControl
Called back when feedback is received from the service
onOperateResult(ServiceCode, ServiceResult) - Method in interface com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.AirConditioner.AirConditionerStateCallback
Called back when feedback is received from the service
onOperateResult(ServiceCode, ServiceResult) - Method in interface com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.Canopy.CanopyStateCallback
Called back when feedback is received from the service
onOperateResult(ServiceCode, ServiceResult) - Method in interface com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.Charger.ChargerStateCallback
Called back when feedback is received from the service
onOperateResult(ServiceCode, ServiceResult) - Method in interface com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.ControlCenter.ControlCenterStateCallback
Called back when feedback is received from the service
onOperateResult(ServiceCode, ServiceResult) - Method in interface com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.EdgeComputing.EdgeStateCallback
Called back when feedback is received from the service
onOperateResult(ServiceCode, ServiceResult) - Method in interface com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.PositionBar.PositionBarStateCallback
Called back when feedback is received from the service
onOperateResult(ServiceCode, ServiceResult) - Method in interface com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.RemoteControl.RemoteControlStateCallback
Called back when feedback is received from the service
onPost() - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.AirConditioner.AirConditioner
Called back upon receipt of a status report from the Air conditioner control module
onPost() - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.Canopy.Canopy
Called back when the canopy module status property is reported
onPost() - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.Charger.Charger
Called back when the charging module status property is reported
onPost() - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.EdgeComputing.EdgeComputing
Called back upon receipt of an edge computing control module status report
onPost() - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.PositionBar.PositionBar
Called back upon receipt of a status report from the charge bars control module
onPost() - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.RemoteControl.RemoteControl
Called back when the remote control module status property is reported
onProductConnected(String) - Method in interface com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Manager.SDKManagerCallback
Called back on successful device connection
onProductDisconnected() - Method in interface com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Manager.SDKManagerCallback
Called back when the device is disconnected
onRegister() - Method in interface com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Manager.SDKManagerCallback
Called back when registration of the SDK is completed in the app
onServerConnected(boolean, String) - Method in interface com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Manager.SDKManagerCallback
Called back on a successful connection to the MQTT server
onServerDisconnected(Throwable) - Method in interface com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Manager.SDKManagerCallback
Called back when disconnected to the MQTT server
onSetConfig(ServiceResult, ConfigParameter, ConfigFailReason) - Method in interface com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.ControlCenter.ControlCenterStateCallback
Called back when receiving feedback on configuration parameter settings
onSetConfigReply(ServiceResult, ConfigParameter, ConfigFailReason) - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.ControlCenter.ControlCenter
Called back when receiving feedback on configuration parameter settings
onThingPost(ThingLevel, int, int, String) - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.ControlCenter.ControlCenter
Called back when event report is received
onThingsPost(ThingLevel, int) - Method in interface com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.ControlCenter.ControlCenterStateCallback
Called back when events reported is received
onUpdate() - Method in interface com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.ControlCenter.ControlCenterStateCallback
Called back upon receipt of status report from the central control module
onUpdate(ConnStatus) - Method in interface com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.RemoteControl.RemoteControlStateCallback
called back when the Remote control module status property is reported
onUpdate(ConnStatus, AirConditionerWorkingMode) - Method in interface com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.AirConditioner.AirConditionerStateCallback
called back when the Air conditioner control module status property is reported
onUpdate(ConnStatus, CanopyState) - Method in interface com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.Canopy.CanopyStateCallback
called back when the canopy module status property is reported
onUpdate(ConnStatus, ChargeState, BatteryDetectState, DroneSwitchState, int, int) - Method in interface com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.Charger.ChargerStateCallback
Called back when the charging module status property is reported
onUpdate(ConnStatus, PositionBarState) - Method in interface com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.PositionBar.PositionBarStateCallback
Called back upon receipt of a status report from the charge bars control module
onUpdate(PowerState, PowerState) - Method in interface com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.EdgeComputing.EdgeStateCallback
Called back upon receipt of an edge computing control module status report
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