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RainGauge - Class in com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.EdgeComputing
Rain gauge
RainGauge() - Constructor for class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.EdgeComputing.RainGauge
RC_PLUG_IN - com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Manager.ServiceCode
Drone remote control USB cable plug in
RC_PLUG_OUT - com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Manager.ServiceCode
Drone remote control USB cable pull out
RC_RE_PAIR - com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Manager.ServiceCode
Re-pair the RC with drone.
RC_TURN_OFF - com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Manager.ServiceCode
Drone remote control power off.
RC_TURN_ON - com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Manager.ServiceCode
Drone remote control power on.
RCTurnOff() - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.RemoteControl.RemoteControl
Turn off the drone remote control.
RCTurnOn() - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.RemoteControl.RemoteControl
Turn on the drone remote control.
RCUSBPlugIn() - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.RemoteControl.RemoteControl
Plug in the drone remote control USB cable.
RCUSBPullOut() - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.RemoteControl.RemoteControl
Pull out the drone remote control USB cable.
REASON_OUT_OF_RANGE - com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.ControlCenter.ConfigFailReason
Settings out of range
REASON_PARAM_NO_EXISTS - com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.ControlCenter.ConfigFailReason
parameter does not exist
REASON_READ_ONLY - com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.ControlCenter.ConfigFailReason
Parameters read-only
REASON_UNKNOWN - com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.ControlCenter.ConfigFailReason
registAPP(String, String, SDKManagerCallback) - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Manager.HSSDKManager
Register the SDK, specify the serial number of the connected device and server address, and implement the HSSDK interface callback event
REJECTED - com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Manager.ServiceResult
Services are available
RemoteControl - Class in com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.RemoteControl
Remote Control Module
RemoteControl() - Constructor for class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.RemoteControl.RemoteControl
RemoteControlStateCallback - Interface in com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.RemoteControl
Remote control module event callback interface
RePairRCWithDrone() - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.RemoteControl.RemoteControl
Re-pair the RC with drone.
resetState() - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.Canopy.Canopy
reset the canopy control module status
resetState() - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.PositionBar.PositionBar
reset charge bars status
resetSystem() - Method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Component.ControlCenter.ControlCenter
System Reset
runInUIThread(Runnable) - Static method in class com.heisha.heisha_sdk.Manager.ThreadManager
UI thread executing task
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